Justin in Success Story
January 27, 2021

With Newfound Confidence and Inspiration, I am Looking Forward to My Drug-Free Life

I am looking forward to living a happy and drug-free life, setting goals, and then achieving them, and setting new ones. I am excited about reconnecting with my family and friends to continue to grow as an adult and take advantage of my blessings and the small things in life.


Justin in Success Story
December 9, 2020

A Mother Who Has Found Her Purpose and Freedom from Addiction

I started using drugs, I had a very unstable and dysfunctional childhood. My dad was addicted to meth and we were constantly getting evicted from our homes because they had no money for rent.


Justin in Success Story
December 6, 2020

A Grateful Husband and Father Who Now Has My Life Back day something happened that would severely alter the course of my life. For a variety of reasons, I began taking pain killers. It started off innocently enough, until one day I found myself needing more and more of them.


Justin in Success Story
December 1, 2020

From Athletic Star to a Miserable Pain Killer Addiction—Now I’m Free

I grew up a straight-edged kid, drugs always felt dirty to me and I didn't associate with people who used them when I was younger.


Justin in Success Story
November 27, 2020

Feeling Healthy and Happy Again, with a Renewed Excitement for What the Future Holds

Before my addiction, I was always happy and felt healthy. I enjoyed my kids and spending every moment I could with them.


Justin in Success Story
October 21, 2020

2 Years Since Coming to Narconon Suncoast, 2 Years Drug-Free!

2 Years Since Coming to Narconon Suncoast, 2 Years Drug-Free! Before coming to Narconon Suncoast, my longest stint of ‘sobriety’ was 6 months. Previous efforts to get clean involved going to treatment without ever handling anything about my addiction or why I chose to use drugs in the first place .


Jason Good in Success Story
February 25, 2017

Life Is About Balance

Introvert – to direct one’s interest, mind or attention upon oneself. Being an introvert may not seem like it’s a big deal, while in reality, it is. Focusing on only yourself can cause you to become very egocentric.


Jason Good in Success Story
January 17, 2017

The Help I’ve Found

Do you feel completely helpless with alcohol and/or drug addiction, feel that it’s hard to face each day without something to help you get through it, or even ruining your relationships because of these problems, or know of someone facing similar difficult times with their life?


Jason Good in Success Story
November 13, 2016

Getting Sober Was the Best Decision!

“ When I was an addict, I felt like I couldn’t actually have anything. My addiction was full of loss; lost possessions, lost family and lost relationships. I was a heroin addict and the drug completely consumed my life…“


Jason Good in Success Story
October 29, 2016

How the “Wizard of Oz” Relates to Recovery

When I arrived at Narconon Suncoast on July 8th, I felt angry, ashamed, trapped and a little crazy. What I was, was defiant, hostile, destructive and irrational.