Narconon Blog


Jason Good in Addiction
May 1, 2017

Does Rehab Work?

It wasn’t until I failed rehab for the 6th time, that my parents came to the realization either rehab didn’t work or I just had no desire to get clean.


Jason Good in Addiction
March 28, 2017

How Many More Addicts Have to Die?

Not only is the opiate epidemic getting worse, but so is drug use across the board. A lot of attention has been placed on the drug abuse crisis in this country for years.


Jason Good in Addiction
March 21, 2017

A Person Isn’t Born an Addict… They Learn How to Become an Addict

Education is a key component to any drug rehabilitation program. There are many modalities to get an addict clean; 12-step, non 12-step, holistic, medical, etc. What many rehabs fail to implement is a strong educational step as a part of the recovery process. But why is education so important in handling drug addiction, anyway?


Jason Good in Addiction
March 13, 2017

Relapse… Now What Do You Do?

Nothing is worse than a loved one relapsing after going to rehab. When an addict goes to treatment, the family can finally sleep again at night, knowing their loved one is safe and on the road to recovery, beating their addiction once and for all.


Jason Good in Addiction
March 6, 2017

A Pulled Tooth and a Bottle of Pills

General practitioners, Internal Medicine doctors, and Pain Management physicians are generally the “usual suspects” when it comes to over-prescription of opiate painkillers.


Jason Good in Addiction
February 20, 2017

3 Ways YOU Can Save a Life During the Opiate Crisis

3 Ways YOU Can Save a Life During the Opiate Crisis With no end in sight to the opiate crisis in this country, we, as a society, need to be causative over the situation. We cannot lay back and expect our government, leaders, or physicians to solve the problem for us.


Jason Good in Addiction
February 6, 2017

More People Die from Heroin Than Guns

A new, sad statistic has just been released by the Center for Disease Control - heroin deaths now outnumber gun homicides. The opiate epidemic has been on the rise for years, with no end in sight.


Jason Good in Addiction
January 27, 2017

Are Drugs the Answer to Drugs?

Drugs have been involved in our society since its inception. Whether it be alcohol , marijuana , or heroin , drugs have always been around. And for as long as drugs have been around, so has the search for a cure for addiction.


Jason Good in Drug Education
January 25, 2017

Powdered Alcohol— The Newest Way to Catch a Buzz

As if we, as a society, didn’t have enough drugs to worry about; heroin cut with elephant tranquilizers , Fentanyl , “ Pink ,” Etc… Now, the newest item that may actually get approved by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau is powdered alcohol.


Jason Good in Addiction
January 10, 2017

Why Do Addicts Use Drugs?

When it comes to addiction, those who have never used drugs before or have never had any experience with drugs usually fail to understand why anyone in their right mind would ever use them.…