Narconon Blog
5 Signs It’s Time to Act: Don’t Delay Addiction Treatment
Struggling with addiction can be an incredibly arduous battle, and it can go on for a long time in some cases. For some people, it may stay about the same, but for many, addiction tends to worsen. There will come a time when substance use becomes much harder to hide or manage, which is often when it’s time for addiction treatment.
Illicit Drug Use in America, By the Numbers
Despite being one of the most developed countries on earth, and possibly because of it, America has not yet figured out how to handle its illicit drug use problems. Pills are sold in schools by children to children, and the federal government churns out $45 billion annually in funding for the prevention, enforcement, and treatment of teens and adults.
Addiction Doesn’t Only Affect the Addicted
Photo by George Chambers/ When major news outlets report on the drug abuse and overdoses, it's the use that get's most of the attention. At first glance, addiction may seem like one person's problem, but it has a much larger ripple effect than even the media has represented.
Navigating Addiction: Signs Your Friend Needs Support
It’s hard to watch someone you care about struggle with addiction. You may be getting to the point where you feel helpless and your hope for them to fight the addiction is waning. Sometimes a real and honest conversation is all it takes to help an addict realize they have a problem and seek help.
Social Media – Drug Dealing in the 21st Century
While many might have a certain image and concept of how drug distribution occurs there is a new face to narcotic distribution that may not be what you expect. So what does drug dealing look like in the 21st century? Find out how the growth of social media and the accessibility of smartphones presents a new threat to today’s youth.
A Parents Guide to Addiction: Plan of Action
There are no words to explain how difficult it can be to watch a loved one struggling with addiction. This is especially true when it is a parent having to watch their child struggle. It can be tough to know how to handle the situation best. That’s why we’ve put together some principles below that can help guide you through this time.
How to Recognize the Need for an Intervention
Watching a loved one struggle with addiction can be heartbreaking, and this is especially true when they don’t want help. Unfortunately, addiction can completely take over a person’s life, even to the point where they don’t see the issue. Here’s how to recognize the need for an intervention.
Strategies for Honest Talks About Addiction
Addiction is a massive issue within the United States, perhaps larger than many people know. Therefore, it is important to be able to have honest conversations with those struggling. Here are some strategies for having an open and honest conversation with those battling addiction.
Strategies for an Effective Intervention
Addiction affects millions of people in the United States alone. Unfortunately, many of those struggling are not willing to seek treatment themselves, or they may not think they have an issue. So what can be done about this? This is where loved ones may have to consider staging an intervention to convince the individual to attend treatment.
Five Tips for Having Honest Conversations About Addiction
It can be incredibly difficult to watch a loved one struggle with addiction. It can make the loved ones of an addict feel powerless to help their loved one. This is especially true if they have already tried to bring up the issue to no avail previously. There are several factors to consider when speaking to a loved one about their addiction, and we have put together some tips below to help you get through it.