Perspective, Persuasion, and Saying No
Here is a great story from one of our recent graduates. She wrote this towards the end of her program when reflecting on a very impactful time in her life, one in which a simple choice based on persuasion led her back to a path of destruction.
Counseling While Keeping My Addiction Secret
Here is a great perspective from one of our staff members here at Narconon Suncoast on his experiences with drug counseling and why seeking treatment ended up being the best solution for him in the end.
Is Rehab Worth It?
To rehabilitate means to return to a previous, more optimal state. Those of us who work in the drug rehab field are tasked with assisting addicts and their families with two things.
Apparently, Vaping Alcohol Is a Thing
One of my coworkers pretty regularly gives me ideas of things to write about and today he asked me if I’d heard about people vaping alcohol.
Alcohol May Be the REAL Gateway Drug…
Marijuana has long been hailed as the main gateway drug in our society. By “gateway drug” it’s meant that it leads to other drug use.