Narconon Blog
Leaving Treatment without a Plan Is Like Going on a Road Trip without a Map: You’re Going to Get Lost
When a person prepares to leave treatment, the hope is always that they have a plan in place that afterwards gives them the best chance to succeed. But what is that exactly? Having a solid plan is obviously important, but sticking to that plan is where people either make it or they don’t.
Tennessee Court Considers Drug Manufacturer a Common Drug Dealer
A Tennessee Court recently ruled that opioid distributor Big Pharma can be sued based on the Tennessee Drug Dealer Liability Act, overturning a previous ruling that had protected the company.
Are Relationships in Early Recovery a Good Idea? I Think Not…
For a lot of addicts who make the decision to clean up their lives and go to treatment, the days and weeks after a person leaves are at once both a very exciting and extremely critical time that will set the stage for whether a person continues to live drug-free or revert back to addiction.
HIV Joins the Opioid Crisis in West Virginia
West Virginia has had a tough go of it through this drug crisis. The state has been a major target of pharmaceutical companies who flooded rural areas with a complete over-abundance of painkillers and now, HIV cases in the state are spiking in certain areas. These are called “clusters.” This news comes on the back of recent announcements from the Trump administration that they are looking into new measures to eradicate HIV and AIDS within the next ten years.
The Journey that Changed My Life
Golden opportunities sometimes come to us in the moments we need them most. It is up to us to take advantage of these opportunities and make the most of them. This opportunity, the chance to truly change my life and to be free from my addiction to drugs and alcohol, was found at Narconon Suncoast.
Hollywood Hills Drug Dealer Charged in Mac Miller’s Death
Nowadays, and I’m in complete agreement with it, drug dealers are being held responsible if and when the drugs they sell a person result in a fatal overdose. It’s a fairly new position by the criminal justice system that drug dealers need to be held accountable for what happens to a person after he or she consumes the drugs they sell and it’s mostly in response to the incredible amount of fentanyl that’s made its way into not only heroin, but also into cocaine and methamphetamine. Since the emergence of fentanyl on the drug scene, as so many people have died because of the greed of others, something had to change.
An Open Letter to Families: Never Giving Up and Finding Hope
It wasn’t all that long ago where I would have scoffed at any notion of not giving up or finding hope. I would have been in one of my endless pity parties with thoughts that went something like this: “Not for this guy!“ “Ha, I remember when I actually believed that.” “Tried that, didn’t work.” “Hope is an illusion for failures like me.”
Lawsuits against Big Pharma Don’t Bring Our Loved Ones Back
Lately the national news has covered some major stories about lawsuits being forged against major pharmaceutical companies for the roles they played in creating today’s drug crisis.
Boredom: The Number-One Trigger in Early Recovery
Boredom is one of those things that I don’t feel is talked about enough when it comes to staying clean. I’m not saying it is never discussed, but it sometimes feels like an afterthought when compared to other, seemingly more complicated aspects of how to stay clean after treatment.
Here, Take This. It’ll Do the Trick.
I remember sitting in the lounge area during my program at Narconon Suncoast and winding down and watching a movie on TV. Most of my TV watching leading up to that relied on DVR streaming, so I hadn’t been up to date on my commercials.