Narconon Blog
Are Opiates Addictive?
Let’s face it… Americans love their opiates. Even though the U.S. only comprises of a small percentage of the world’s population, we consume most of the world’s opiate supply. It appears as though the United States has an unrelenting hunger for drugs.
I Now Love Myself
The tools NARCONON has given me, through Life Skills has put me in the position of strength and power instead of fear and retreat. To find who I really am and who I’ve always been inside is such a liberating experience. I will be forever grateful for the freedom I now have to live my life in the TRUE definition of Love.
How Do You Love an Addict?
Relationships and marriages bear much of the brunt of an addiction . When someone has a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife who is an addict, the relationship can suffer greatly.
The Epidemic of Fear
Today there is an epidemic sweeping across our nation. It is not a communicable, incurable disease, but the end result is just as deadly. Its symptoms are addiction and depression; however, the problem isn’t the drugs or pathological sadness. The epidemic is based in fear.
Can You Force Someone into Rehab?
As someone who has worked in drug rehabilitation and handled families of addicts for a long time, I’ve come across every question and concern that can possibly be brought up in regards to getting someone into treatment.
Opiate Crisis Leads to More Young Addicts Needing Heart Surgery
There are a vast number of problems associated with today’s opiate problem. Streets are littered with needles, drug-related crime has increased and overdoses and deaths have surged way beyond what is the “norm”.
Grey Death… A New, Deadly Drug With Its Sights on Florida
For years, Florida has been one of the epicenters of the heroin and opiate epidemic and this year has seen enough of its share of deadly drugs. With heroin-related deaths on the rise, Florida is not without participation in the problem.
Where Has the “War on Drugs” Gotten Us?
In 1971, President Richard Nixon declared a “War on Drugs” which primarily focused on the eradication of drugs, interdiction of drug sales and incarceration of drug users (Wikipedia 2016).
My Miracle
Albert Einstein believed miracles are everything or miracles are nothing. When I reflect on those words everything becomes so simple. The way I perceive life and what we are doing is nothing short of a miracle.
What Is Addiction?
The most workable definition for addiction is: “The condition of a person who uses any mood or mind-altering substance continuously despite receiving adverse consequences.“