Narconon Blog


Justin in Recovery
September 27, 2020

Justin Joins the Body Chat Podcast

I was fortunate enough to be on Dr. Stephen Nedd’s Body Chat Podcast recently and spoke with Ron Nedd on the Narconon Program, my experience with addiction and other treatment facilities, as well as all of the great successes I have had the privilege to be a part of as a staff member at Narconon Suncoast.


Jason Good in Addiction
March 28, 2017

How Many More Addicts Have to Die?

Not only is the opiate epidemic getting worse, but so is drug use across the board. A lot of attention has been placed on the drug abuse crisis in this country for years.


Jason Good in Addiction
March 26, 2017

Fentanyl: What You Need to Know

What Is Fentanyl? Fentanyl is the strongest synthetic opiate painkiller and is estimated to be 100 times more potent than morphine and 50 times stronger than heroin. Fentanyl affects the opiate receptors of the brain.


Jason Good in Addiction
October 26, 2016

Drugs Are Everywhere

Let’s face it, drugs are everywhere . A person trying to get clean from a lifestyle of drug addiction has challenges around every corner.


Jason Good in Addiction
September 26, 2016

When is the Heroin Problem Going to Stop?

Right now, I think it’s safe to say that the heroin and opiate epidemic in this country is beyond out-of-control. The drugs that are in circulation in communities around the country trump those of 20 years ago, ten-fold.


Jason Good in Addiction
September 19, 2016

Incarceration or Rehabilitation: What’s the Right Solution?

When living a life of addiction , an addict has a lot to be scared of. They have to guard themselves constantly from getting robbed by drug dealers and getting bad dope that could kill them.


Jason Good in Success Story
September 11, 2016

My Life Completely Revolved Around Drugs and Alcohol

Before coming to Narconon Suncoast, my life completely revolved around drugs and alcohol . My addiction evolved from an after work activity to using just to get through work, to a full time job in of itself. I began taking pills to wake up and start drinking in the morning.


Jason Good in Addiction
August 22, 2016

From Star Student to Junkie: What Every Parent Needs to Know About Heroin Addiction

Bad batches of dope, 15-year-old kids going to methadone clinics and massive amounts of overdoses are just some of the symptoms of a ridiculous, out-of-control opiate crisis. Back in the day, the worst of the worst kids smoked cigarettes, marijuana, dropped acid and ate mushrooms.