I Was Able to Rebuild Myself Into the Man that Is the True, Authentic Me

Sober New Yorker
Photo by Christopher Moswitzer/Shutterstock.com

I was born and raised in New York City, New York. Before I ever began struggling with drugs, I was a positive person. I was in good physical health. I had a good social life and a really good connection with my family. I was in a car accident, which led to my addiction. Before my latest struggles, I had achieved sixteen years of sobriety, so when my wife gave me an ultimatum, I knew that coming to Narconon Suncoast was what I had to do.

I will admit that when I got here, I was in horrible shape. I was overweight, had no energy, my mind was cloudy, and I was physically terrible. When I arrived, I felt tired and sick. The staff tried to help me however they could. I was given good nutritious food and lots of one-on-one attention. They did everything they could to keep my mind out of my body and in the present time. The New Life Detoxification not only helped me with sleeping better but also cleared my mind so that I could focus and be in real-time and aware of my surroundings. The Objectives brought about an awareness that I thought I had lost, and that I AM in control of myself physically and mentally. This was an ability that I had lost and regained, which is a lifesaver. The Life Skills part of the program helped me to realize the damage I had caused to myself and my family as my addiction negatively impacted my relationship with my wife and children. I was able to take responsibility for my own actions. I was also able to see the me that I had lost in my addiction. With these tools, I was able to rebuild myself into the man that is the true, authentic me.

“The best part about being sober is that now I’m able to just be relaxed. When I was using, I was always tense, so it’s nice to feel good sober now. I’ve learned that nothing will change unless you want it to and to give yourself a fair chance to get sober.”

The best part about being sober is that now I’m able to just be relaxed. When I was using, I was always tense, so it’s nice to feel good sober now. I’ve learned that nothing will change unless you want it to and to give yourself a fair chance to get sober. Nothing in life worth getting is going to be easy, but it’ll be worth it.

M.D., Narconon Suncoast Graduate


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