Narconon Blog


Suncoast Staff in Drug Education
December 18, 2024

The What, When and Where of Fentanyl: Part 2

The public has become habituated to hearing the high death numbers associated with fentanyl. Year after year, we learn that tens of thousands die (112,000 in 2023)1, but there is rarely mention of a realistic resolution. The tragedy goes on and on with no end in sight. At least, that has been the story until now.


Suncoast Staff in Drug Education
December 17, 2024

The What, When, and Where of Fentanyl: Part 1

Fentanyl is a lethal drug with a confusing history. The manufacturing sources and distribution lines are murky. Therefore, extensive research would be required to develop effective programs for significant reduction. This series is simply an overview and suggests areas for researchers to look.



Fentanyl Awareness: What You Need to Know

Fentanyl has quickly climbed the ranks in recent years as one of the deadliest threats facing the American public.


Suncoast Staff in Drug Education
February 8, 2024

Opioid Overdoses: Critical Insights for Every Individual

Opioids are one of the most problematic substances in our nation. The situation has become such an issue that it is referred to as the opioid epidemic. Let’s take a detailed look into opioid overdoses.


Suncoast Staff in Drug Education
January 18, 2024

A Closer Look at Drug Addiction: Breaking Down Myths and Realities

Addiction has been a long-debated topic in many spheres. Unfortunately, there is still ample disinformation, discrimination, and stereotyping surrounding it as well. Continue reading to learn about some common myths of addiction as compared to the actual facts.


Justin in Drug Education
June 17, 2020

Desoxyn—Legally Prescribed Meth for Kids

I have heard of Adderall, Ritalin , and other amphetamine drugs prescribed for ADHD, but until recently I had no idea that prescriptions for methamphetamine existed. They do, and they are in the form of a little 5 mg white tablet called Desoxyn.


Jason Good in Drug Education
March 16, 2017

Narconon Suncoast Graduate Provides “Real Life” Experience at Weekly Anti-Drug Abuse Seminar

Clearwater, FL – This past Wednesday evening, a local Narconon Suncoast graduate added “real life drug abuse experience” to the Truth about Drugs lectures being presented in downtown Clearwater. The hour-long presentation covered the effects of MDMA, Heroin, and other drugs.


Jason Good in Drug Education
February 6, 2017

Narconon Suncoast Participates in Clearwater Revitalization Project

Narconon Suncoast joined neighborhood businesses, schools and other community groups this past weekend at the Clearwater Community Gardens to participate in a community cleanup.


Jason Good in Drug Education
February 1, 2017

How a Simple Drug Can Save Lives - A Guide to the Opiate Epidemic and Narcan

The current opiate epidemic in this country has become an ever growing issue and is affecting more people every day. The following information provided is for the everyday person and how they can help save lives amidst this opiate crisis.


Jason Good in Drug Education
January 25, 2017

Powdered Alcohol— The Newest Way to Catch a Buzz

As if we, as a society, didn’t have enough drugs to worry about; heroin cut with elephant tranquilizers , Fentanyl , “ Pink ,” Etc… Now, the newest item that may actually get approved by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau is powdered alcohol.