Narconon Suncoast Participates in Clearwater Revitalization Project

Clearwater Community Cleanup
Narconon Suncoast joined neighborhood businesses, schools and other community groups this past weekend at the Clearwater Community Gardens to participate in a community cleanup. The cleanup is part of the East Gateway area revitalization project, which includes drug abuse awareness and drug prevention efforts. The neighborhood is called East Gateway because it borders the eastern entrance to downtown Clearwater.

This weekend’s clean-up area of 12 city blocks had five teams of local residents and volunteers out picking up over 50 bags of trash and debris along roadways and sidewalks. Narconon Suncoast’s team of staff and volunteers headed out to clean up trash along Cleveland Street, spreading the message of community activism and leading a drug-free life. Local residents came out to meet volunteers, joined in the activities and helped with the day’s events. Local realtor and member of the Clearwater Community Volunteers, Pam Anderson, provided a food truck, that served a delicious pancake breakfast to all the participants once they returned from the cleanup.

Last year the revitalization project began when Clearwater Police Department Chief, Dan Slaughter, asked for local residents’ help in working together to create a revitalization and beautification of this area of Clearwater. One of the East Gateway businesses, Consumer Energy Solutions (CES) took that request to heart and started getting teams of their employees out on weekend cleanup projects. CES, headquartered in the East Gateway area helped to spearhead community activities for residents, schools, and local community groups who want to help revitalize the area.

“At CES, we believe that charity begins at home. When the Police Chief asked for assistance in this area, we were the first to ask how we could help. Our employees and volunteers are eager and willing to make our home neighborhood the best it
can be!”

— Lynn Posyton, Director of Community Relations for CES.

One such flourishing local community project in the East Gateway area highlighted at this event, was the Clearwater Community Garden. The local garden plot bordered by Cleveland and Grove Streets was created to allow local residents to learn to garden, raise healthy foods and interact with each other.

“These urban gardens are a great family activity and wholesome food source for many families. It’s an easy way to bring people together with a common purpose of revitalizing the neighborhood and inspiring people to live healthy lives.”

 —Howard Warshauer, Garden organizer.

The Clearwater police officers reminded the clean-up participants there are lower crime rates in areas which are more involved in positive activities and where the residents know each other. The monthly trash cleanups provide just that kind of event.

Narconon Suncoast has pledged to help with the monthly East Gateway Cleanups and help provide drug education and awareness for the community. This, in turn, will help the area residents to better identify harmful behaviors and be able to make their surroundings safer. Narconon Suncoast is a non-profit, residential addiction treatment center in Clearwater, Florida that stops at nothing to end the drug abuse crisis in this world once and for all.

If you or someone you care about is struggling with drug abuse, call us today at


Jason Good

Jason has been working in the field of addiction and recovery for over 11 years. Having been an addict himself he brings real-word experience to the table when helping addicts and their families, while also offering a first-person perspective to the current drug crisis. Jason is passionate about educating the public about what’s currently going on in our society, and thankfully, offers practical solutions. Jason is also the co-host of The Addiction Podcast—Point of No Return. You can follow Jason on Google+, Twitter, or connect with him on LinkedIn.