Jason Good in Addiction
February 20, 2017

3 Ways YOU Can Save a Life During the Opiate Crisis

3 Ways YOU Can Save a Life During the Opiate Crisis With no end in sight to the opiate crisis in this country, we, as a society, need to be causative over the situation. We cannot lay back and expect our government, leaders, or physicians to solve the problem for us.


Jason Good in Success Story
January 28, 2017

I Can Begin the Life I Know I Deserve

When I came to Narconon Suncoast, I had just left the hospital that I had been at for 4 days, due to an abscess I had in my left arm from shooting up. I was beat down, depressed, anxious, and tired. I had cravings all the time and I wanted to leave.


Jason Good in Success Story
January 21, 2017

I Found Out Why I Used Drugs

Let me start off by saying that this program works, if and ONLY if you put the work in. No one here will give you the answers or tell you what to do, and that’s the beauty of it. You need to figure it out on your own. No program in this world will work if you don’t want it bad enough.


Jason Good in Addiction
January 14, 2017

What Every Parent Should Do to Help Their Addicted Child

When it comes to addiction, there are various ways to handle an addict. With all of the lying, stealing, manipulation and the other things that come along with addiction, many families can feel overwhelmed by the situation.


Jason Good in Addiction
January 3, 2017

Now That the Holidays Are Over, It’s Time to Get Help!

The presents have been opened, everyone has eaten way too much, and the family has survived another Holiday season. For most families, now is a time for preparing for a new year, going back to work and getting on with life.


Jason Good in Addiction
December 19, 2016

Is Christmas the Best Time to Go to Rehab?

There’s never a “ good “ time to go to drug rehab and it’s usually inconvenient to handle an addict in the family. Addicts will come up with all sorts of excuses as to why they shouldn’t go to rehab right now.


Jason Good in Drug Rehab
December 13, 2016

The Cost of An Addict’s Life

Aside from the hundreds of displaced addicts roaming city streets after having relapsed and gotten kicked out of their sober houses, another problem is the buying and selling of addicts. Yes, that’s right, addicts are bought and sold at a cost…


Jason Good in Addiction
November 17, 2016

Hep C: What Every Addict Should Know

Using drugs carries many risks. Addicts have to be constantly vigilant about avoiding the danger that lurks around every corner and in the bottom of every bag.


Jason Good in Addiction
October 26, 2016

Drugs Are Everywhere

Let’s face it, drugs are everywhere . A person trying to get clean from a lifestyle of drug addiction has challenges around every corner.


Jason Good in Addiction
October 22, 2016

The Power of an Intervention

Interventions can honestly be the difference between life and death for a drug addict or an alcoholic. Not every person in need of rehab is going to initially jump at the chance to get clean and handle the issues that drove their addiction.