Narconon Blog


Justin in Addiction
January 10, 2020

A Message to Addicts: Take Back Control of Your Life

When I reflect on my life as an addict, now from the perspective of a man who has left that lifestyle behind, it’s eye-opening to see just how much I failed to control any aspect of my life while using and abusing drugs and alcohol.


Jason Good in Success Story
September 2, 2019

An Open Letter to Families: Never Giving Up and Finding Hope

It wasn’t all that long ago where I would have scoffed at any notion of not giving up or finding hope. I would have been in one of my endless pity parties with thoughts that went something like this: “Not for this guy!“ “Ha, I remember when I actually believed that.” “Tried that, didn’t work.” “Hope is an illusion for failures like me.”


Jason Good in Addiction
July 11, 2019

An Open Letter to the Addict Still Suffering

To any addict out there struggling right now, to any addict who feels like a failure, to any addict riddled with guilt, to any addict who feels like they have reached the end, to any addict who has lost hope, I hope this message finds you.