Fentanyl-Laced Cocaine Nearly Kills Director of CDC’s Son:
Now It’s Personal

Fentanyl, fentanyl, fentanyl. It’s all the rage these days.
The killer drug is regularly the topic of major news headlines, the cause for tearing families to shreds, and the very thing that hooks new addicts each day, forever altering the outcome of their lives.
Fentanyl has been one of the most impactful drugs our society has ever seen. It’s changed the face of the drug culture in the U.S. and turned nearly every community upside down. This chemical is so powerful that literally 2 tiny grains of it can be enough to kill someone. Something that tiny has surely had an incredibly powerful effect.
Now that fentanyl has made its way into nearly every drug on the street, no one is safe. Not your friends, not your family, not yourself…no one. And most of us know how bad the problem is and how bad the problem is getting and now that the drug has almost killed the director of the CDC’s son, it’s personal on a federal level.
The head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Robert Redfield, Jr., recently spoke out about his family’s recent encounter with killer fentanyl. Recently, Redfield’s son nearly died after ingesting cocaine that was laced with fentanyl. Dr. Redfield discussed fentanyl and his son’s close-call during an annual conference, saying “For me, it's personal. I almost lost one of my children from it.” And if he had lost his son to an overdose, he and his family would have joined a group no one would ever want to be a part of… the group of families who have unnecessarily buried a loved one after a fatal encounter with drugs.
This all goes to show that no family is safe or immune to the effects of drugs or overdoses and that the effects of our current drug crisis are far-reaching. We’re hearing more and more high-profile stories of opioid overdoses such as the death of Prince, Tom Petty, and now a close-call with the director of the CDC’s son. Remember, the CDC is supposed to be on the forefront of addiction, giving us helpful data that might assist our society in quieting the drug epidemic. To have the crisis hit that close to home is more than unsettling.
I know I keep saying it over and over, but the drug problem is getting worse, not better and we really need to figure something out because if the problem continues at this rate, who knows where we’ll be at this time next year? Who knows if our kids or our parents will survive this thing? How do we know we’ll survive it? There’s a lot of unknowns out there right now but what I do know is that this whole mess was completely preventable, and it is completely reversible. Big Pharma definitely lit the kindling that started this inferno, we just need to find a way to stomp out the fire.