Justin in Drug Rehab
August 18, 2021

5 Reasons People Choose Not to Get Help That Are Actually Reasons They Should

Finding reasons why treatment is too logistically difficult to pull off or any other reasons why getting treatment is impossible, is an easy trap to fall into. There can be many reasons people use to avoid committing to long-term residential care for substance abuse. Let’s go over and address some of the main factors people must confront in order to seek adequate treatment.


Justin in Addiction
November 5, 2020

Finding Success in the Face of Failure

It is no secret that addiction can be highly stigmatized in our society , and one of the main things that creates that stigma is that there is often a lot of failure for addicts trying to get clean.


Justin in Addiction
July 28, 2020

Stigmas and the Barriers Created in Overcoming Addiction

Hopeless, junkie, thief, drunk, trash, bum, a lost cause. The list can go on and on when using adjectives to describe an addict in need of help, all stigmas created by the way society views people who seem lost to drug addiction.