I Had Forgotten How to Live

Before I arrived at Narconon Suncoast, I had forgotten how to live. I was lost, and I just couldn’t find my purpose for life anymore. I was plagued with anxiety and depression. Conventional medicine was to no avail. I had lost all my motivation to ever leave the house. I resorted to staying in my room and drinking alcohol, all day. My only desire was to figure out how and when I would get my next drink. I knew I had hit rock bottom when my son told me that his fiancé would never allow me to babysit, if they were to have a child. I felt like a knife went through my chest. I had always been a super mom. After my kids grew up and got self-sufficient, I felt useless. There, my downward spiral began.
I knew I needed help. I had been lying to myself and I was killing myself slowly. I was in State 2 cirrhosis.
“I had been lying to myself and I was killing myself slowly.
I was in State 2 cirrhosis.”
Narconon Suncoast saved my life. The sauna program cleansed my body of all those killer toxins I had ingested. My liver enzymes began to drop. The Objectives program lifted that fog that constantly surrounded my thinking. I regained my ability to apply myself and kick my insecurities. I started feeling excited about moving forward in life!
Life Skills got me through the process of “owning my stuff.” I learned to identify my self-sabotaging behaviors that were holding me back. I now have a clean slate to begin filling with positive and meaningful experiences.
The Narconon Suncoast staff believed in me and helped me love myself again. I am now healthy—body and mind. I am confident and so eager to live a full life and be a sober mother, sister, daughter, and grandmother.
A.M.W. – Narconon Suncoast Graduate