Narconon Blog
A New Plan, A New Chapter for My Life
When I came to Narconon, I felt broken and hopeless, but eager for any help I could get. After a couple of days in the Withdrawal portion of the program, I started feeling better with the help of the vitamins, doing locationals, and receiving assists. The staff had a lot of good folks with me, which inspired me to get through it.
One Man’s Journey to Save His Life
When I came to Narconon, I was in bad shape, both physically and mentally. After completing the withdrawal part of the program, I began to feel better. That is when I did the Sauna, where each day I started feeling better and better and more like myself again…
What Do You Want for Christmas?
What is first on your wishlist this Christmas? It’s almost that time and people across the country will be using the opportunity to make their lists in anticipation of Christmas morning. It’s the season of giving and receiving.
A Decade With Nearly a Half-Million Drug Overdoses Comes To An End What’s Next?
I’m curious to see how this decade will be remembered in our history books. Will it be the decade that the country was delivered a sobering wake-up call when it comes to the opioid epidemic currently sweeping the country, the years in which we finally started laying the down the blueprint for handling addiction with the care and attention it needs? Or will it only be the beginning of something far more terrible and tragic?
If You Are Considering Treatment, What’s the Worst That Could Happen?
When I talk to addicts, families of an addict, or friends of an addict, often there is a lack of urgency to find themselves or the person they love the help that is needed. I’d like to weigh the pros and cons of going to treatment vs. rolling the dice…
For 2020 and Beyond, Be the Only Resolution that Matters
The New Year is quickly approaching, and with it comes the start of a whole new decade. I began thinking about my resolutions this year. Diet and exercise are towards the top of the list this year. Continuing to expand on improving my relationships with my parents and siblings are important to me.
A Message to Families For The Holidays-Waiting is Not an Option
If you are the family member of an addict and are struggling with the idea of getting your loved one help, especially during this holiday season when so much is going on, I hope this message finds you.
Finding Reasons to Be Thankful as Addiction Hits Home
It’s the time of year when families across the country attempt to take a step back and find the things in which they are thankful. Gratitude is given for things like food on the table, family, friends, health, our freedom and so on.
All The Things an Addict gives up During Addiction
Addiction affected every aspect of my life, and there was nothing about my life that didn’t feel stained while I was using drugs. As an addict, I knew that I was consumed by using drugs, but it’s taken me getting clean to realize just how much I sacrificed to live a life I hated living.
This Holiday Season, Give the Gift of Life
The holidays I remember as an addict are very different. There is no nostalgia when thinking about the tensions my addiction brought to Thanksgiving dinner, or the pain I saw in my parents’ eyes when I would see them for Christmas.