With My Head Held High, a Whole New Me!

As a child, I had a fairly good life. I lived in a small town and had good family support. For the most part, my childhood felt perfect. I was a cheerleader, played volleyball, went to church, youth functions, and did normal kid stuff. As a teenager, I started falling into a rough crowd. I started smoking pot and I justified it as normal teen stuff, but it would soon lead me to a major lifestyle change, not the good kind.
It was not after very long that the pot led to cocaine and then to pills. I struggled with pot and pills for years. For nine years I lied, hid, and made excuses for my odd and self-destructive routines and behaviors. In 2014, I gave birth to my oldest daughter and had stopped using and things were okay. My second daughter came in the fall of 2015 and then in the Spring of 2016 my girls’ father and I got married. It did not take long for me to fall back into the same habits. Soon I was back on the fast track to disaster. My husband left me, and my girls moved in with my mom.
I was quickly back in the wrong crowd again, but this time I was introduced to the worst mistake of my life and that was meth. I very quickly lost control and with it my family’s trust. My mom got temporary custody of my girls and I was in a fight I felt like I could not win, at least not on my own. It took a few months for me to reach out for help, but I knew I had to make the choice to survive. I did not want to lose this fight and leave my beautiful girls without a mother and leave my family with the grief that so many others suffer from losing a loved one to addiction.
I felt like I had hit the bottom and picked up the only thing I had left to my name, my phone. I was googling rehabs in Florida and found Narconon Suncoast. It caught my attention because the drug-free withdrawal was exactly what I wanted. I knew that if I was going to do this, I wanted to leave behind all drugs for good. The next thing I knew I was on the phone with the staff. They were amazing, very caring and understanding. The very next day I was on my way to the center, where the staff and nurse were there waiting for me when I arrived. They made a very uncomfortable situation feel simple and I was made to feel at ease. I immediately knew I had made the right decision.
That night I started the journey to a new life with a fresh start. In withdrawal, I was met with kindness and people that could relate to my struggle, a huge positive. I began to feel rested and the tools they were teaching me were already helping me so much. The next step was getting my body back physically, ridding the toxins and feeling healthy again. Every step after that was just as important as the one that came before it.
This program has completely changed my life, saved my life would be a more accurate statement. I learned so much throughout my stay. I learned to have patience with myself, to control my life and let go of everything that had been controlling me. I learned to take responsibility for the part I have played in my addiction and how I can use that responsibility to move forward in life.
“I could not be more excited to live this new life I have created for myself and my daughters. I can now be a better and healthier version of the mom I was and look forward to a long
and successful drug-free future.”
I truly feel like a whole new me. I am no longer afraid to hold my head high when I walk into a room. I could not be more excited to live this new life I have created for myself and my daughters. I can now be a better and healthier version of the mom I was and look forward to a long and successful drug-free future. A future full of creating new memories and carrying with me all the things I have learned from my journey here at Narconon Suncoast.
I am proud of myself and know I can be proud of my future because I made the choice to save my life. If you are reading my story and are going through something similar, please reach out for help. It is never too late to get help and save yourself from the pain of addiction. There are good people waiting to help you save you. If I can do this so can anyone.