The Family That Gets Sober Together, Sticks Together!

“Family involvement in the recovery process is vital to an addict’s success. I was fortunate enough to have a cousin who was working at a Narconon center while I was struggling with a heroin addiction. She went through the program, and afterwards, decided to stay and train to become staff. I could tell by her posts on Facebook and the way her mother talked about the person she’s become, that something had definitely clicked for her.
“I talked to my mom and dad about this program. I told them that I wanted help and Narconon Suncoast is where I wanted to go. They were very supportive and bent over backwards to get me into the program. At that point in my life, I was ready for a change. I had been a heroin addict for a long time, and like most other people’s stories, I started with pills. I had tried many times to get clean before. I would be good for a few months, only to relapse and have to start all over again. I do wish I could have come here years earlier. The thing is, when someone you love is on drugs, they are unable to make rational decisions for themselves and their future. When I was on drugs, all I wanted to do was get high and not be sick. At some points, it would have been really hard to get me to go to treatment. For a lot of addicts, the only decision they can make is to do anything to continue to use.
During my addiction, I put my family through a lot of heartache, going from one rehab to another, only to relapse a few months after. I would move to different states and areas, thinking that relocating would help, but to no avail. The only thing that did was make me hope that I would get better, while causing my mother to constantly worry. I thought I was never going to be clean, but Narconon Suncoast changed that for me.
I spent a week with my family after graduating the program this past Christmas and everything was completely different. When I had conversations with my mother, I was completely honest, which was a first for me. I wasn’t having to tip-toe around the conversation, trying to avoid conflict. I would voice my opinion and fearlessly spoke my mind. My conversations with her were wonderful and we could talk about anything. I could tell she had a lot more respect for me because I was finally being truthful. I also had the chance to thank them for the opportunity they had given me by sending me to Narconon Suncoast.
The best thing I got from my week with my family was being able to just enjoy being around them; simply being there without worrying about needing to rush our time together because I would soon be sick. I’m extremely grateful for the new viewpoint I’ve gained on life and family because of the Narconon Program. I feel like a completely different person and a productive member of a group and society. It’s also an amazing thing that I decided to train to become staff and work with my cousin, who is the reason I even made it to this point in my life in the first place. I am very lucky to have my amazing and supportive family. I would have never made it this far without their unconditional love, support, and constant urging that I get help and change my life.
If you have a family member that needs help, don’t write them off and stop trying, even if they don’t want your help at the beginning. Keep trying, keep offering help and don’t give up. I wouldn’t be here if my family didn’t push me in the right direction. I may have never gotten to the point where I finally made a good decision for myself.
K.S. - Narconon Suncoast Graduate