She Can Finally Trust Me Again

To anyone seeking help for their boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife, you need to read this.
I was where your loved one is at one time. I was someone who always tried to please everyone except myself. I always sought approval in any decision I was making in my relationship, except when it came to using drugs. I wasn’t able to make long-term, pro-survival choices to better my relationship because I was always so focused on someone else, rather than myself. So, whenever I did make a choice for myself it was always the wrong one that would end up harming my relationship, rather than making it better. There’s no worse feeling than not being able to love yourself or be who you actually are. Being controlled and taken advantage of by others, and having to put on a front to make myself feel accepted was so exhausting. I would get tired of trying to please everyone other than myself, that when I finally did, drugs were the only thing that could do that.
I would get tired of trying to please everyone other than myself, that when I finally did, drugs were the only thing that could do that.
I no longer live this way anymore. I have the most amazing fiancée in the world who has stood by my side through it all. Prison sentences, overdoses, and rehab. I’m so thankful and blessed to have someone like her in my life because now, she has a man in her life who can make decisions, knowing that they will benefit the long-term survival of our relationship. I’m a man that she can now trust will make the right choices. I’m now my own person who doesn’t seek approval from anyone on the decisions I make because, with the tools that Narconon Suncoast has given me, I will be able to be an honest, responsible, caring participant of life and take care of the one I love.
C.G. - Narconon Suncoast Graduate