I Had Lost Everything

By the time I arrived at Narconon, death had been knocking at my door for some time. I had tried multiple rehabs with no real results. I went from a proud family man with everything one would want, to someone living on the streets with nothing to offer. I lost my wife, kids, family, every worldly possession, and most of all, I had lost who I was as a human being. I’m told when I showed up here, I had that 1000-yard stare, to the extent that people were unsure of approaching me and said I looked like I wasn’t there. I wasn’t. The lights were on but the soul wasn’t there. I had no idea what I was doing, I just knew that all I could think about was getting my family and my kids back in my life. It was the thought of those two special blessings that allowed me to put one foot in front of another each day and keep going.
I had heard great things about this program but I had no idea of its scope. The first section of the program, the sauna detox, allowed me to rid myself of all the toxins and drug residuals that built up in my body after years of abuse. I had a little trouble at the end of sauna determining if the fog I was still in was physically or mentally related. I came to the determination that it was a mental fog and moved onto the next section of the program called Objectives. I can only explain how I felt, as my mind had this fuzz around it keeping me from thinking clearly and behaving rationally. The Objective processes cleared up this “fuzz” and began lifting it completely. I actually felt it totally lift one day. For the first time in my life, I was seeing things clearly for what they were, in reality and in the present moment. Although seeing what I had done wasn’t pretty, at least I could face it and figure out what to do. That’s where the last section of the program, called Life Skills, came into play. Here, I figured out why it was that I kept going back to drugs. I was given tools to work my way out of any situation I might find my life in.
While at Narconon, I was also given help with working on the family relationships I destroyed. There is still a lot of work to do with my family and on myself, but I feel like the groundwork has been laid to send my life in a positive direction. I have come a long way since I arrived here in so many more ways than just getting off drugs. I’m actually becoming the person I used to be and feel like my soul is being restored. I just want to thank all the staff at Narconon for bringing me back from the brink of death, giving me hope for the future, and restoring my humanity.
K.L. – Narconon Suncoast Graduate