Give Yourself a Fighting Chance

I started using drugs when I was 14 years old. By the time I was 29, I was using heroin daily. I thought heroin would take my life and leave my son without a mother. Thankfully, my mom found this amazing program called Narconon Suncoast. For 2 weeks, I couldn’t make up my mind if I really wanted to come or not, or if I really wanted to give up using drugs. The drugs were killing me and everyone knew it. One of the counselors at Narconon Suncoast called me every day and worked with me until I finally made up my mind to get help.
I arrived at the center on May 22nd and I had been on huge binge. I barely remember the ride to the airport. My mother and I arrived in Tampa and a staff member greeted us at the airport and brought us to the center. I had no clue this would be my saving grace. After a tour and lots of tears, my mom left and I started the program. During the Withdrawal step, the staff took excellent care of me and helped me to get through the sickness and got me to the point where I was feeling okay again. One thing I really got out of it was realizing that I never wanted to go through that sickness ever again! I was in awful shape when I got there and I’m so thankful for the Withdrawal Specialists because they were able to help me to get through it and to get my feet back under me again. The New Life Detoxification was a great experience and I’m so happy to have all those drugs out of my system and feeling “normal” again. My cravings also went away, which is awesome!
Going through the Objectives course was difficult, but it helped me to deal with traumas from my past and issues that I had with myself from feeling like an absent mother. In the Life Skills courses, I was able to handle the negative people in my life and was given the tools to correct my wrong doings to my family. I had to take a hard look at myself, which is something that I’ve never done. I’m so happy to have done this program. I now have the tools to live a drug-free life for the first time ever. Trust me, if you do this program, you won’t regret it. Give yourself a fighting chance. The life you lived before coming to treatment was the hard part.