After 10 years, I am Finally Healthy, Happy, Productive, and Sober!

Happy mother at home
Photo by Evgeny Atamanenko/

Before I started drinking, I was happy, had great relationships, and was very productive and healthy. When I got to college, my life went into a downward spiral due to my drinking. My addiction landed me in jail 3 times, I lost custody of my first-born daughter, I could not hold down jobs, I lost my family’s trust, and my husband almost divorced me, all because my drinking had become so out of control. I was completely out of touch with reality and did not have the right tools to function or cope with the everyday stressors of life. I depended on alcohol, and it made everything one-million times worse. Every time I turned to the bottle.

My sweet mother-in-law told me about Narconon. She was very familiar with the program and thought it would be a great fit for me. I had an intervention with my family and hopped on a plane the next morning from Birmingham, Alabama to Clearwater. I knew this was something I needed to do for myself, her, my other daughter, and my family. I knew I was in for a long ride but that it would be worth it.

When I arrived at Narconon, I was a bit skeptical and scared. I had come in with a BAC of .19 because I had nearly OD’d on alcohol the night before I came in. I was a complete mess. The staff welcomed me with open arms. They were kind, caring and made me feel comfortable and safe.

After going through the Withdrawal portion of the program, I had some major wins here at Narconon Suncoast. I completed the New Life Detoxification, eliminating all the toxins from my body, and it made me feel like a new person. I also completed the objectives course, which challenged my mind with realizations and manifestations I never knew were possible. I came out of these courses with both a clear body and a clear mind. It was an exuberant feeling. Life skills also taught me ethics, and I made amends with my family, which was a major win.

My biggest win of all was that after 10 years, I finally achieved sobriety. I put forth countless hours of hard work, and I finally have the helpful tools and coping mechanisms to be successful and live a drug-free life, and I have Narconon Suncoast to thank for that.

I am now happy, healthy, productive, and sober. I look forward to sharing that and starting this new life with my loved ones, and I will never look back!

K.G.—Narconon Suncoast Graduate



Justin has been working in the field of addiction and recovery for over 1 year. Justin earned his Bachelors's Degree in Finance from Florida State University. Having been an addict himself, he brings real-world experience to the table when helping addicts and their families, while also offering a first-person perspective to the current drug crisis. Justin is passionate about educating the public about what’s currently going on in our society, and thankfully, offers practical solutions.