A Wasted Individual, Handcuffs and A Cold Jail Cell

Hope: “the feeling that something desired can be had or will happen.”
There is hope, and there are many solutions for drug addicts, and Narconon Suncoast is one of them. Before Narconon, I was in a hopeless and helpless downward spiral of self-destruction. Making the decision to admit to my problem and ask for help was one of the most difficult things I’ve done in my life. Owning up to what I had become and what I had done was one of the most important steps I’ve taken to getting my life and family back from the brink of ruin. Completing the Narconon program is only the first step in my recovery and I plan on continuing to apply what I’ve learned during the program in my daily life. If you’re in doubt about getting help or finding hope, take a moment to read about my journey through life before coming to Narconon and my recovery.
Darkness… alone… numb. The dim glow of a computer monitor, a smoky room, beer cans strewn about, and a wasted individual. Hopeless… afraid… afraid of myself, hiding from what I’d become, running from what I’d done. Driving… wasted, a flash of lights, a pair of handcuffs, an empty jail cell… cold… all alone. A late night call, a loving mother, a glimmer of hope… a solution! Narconon Suncoast… a decision loomed.
Deciding to seek treatment was perhaps one of the hardest, yet, most important decisions I’ve ever made. Reaching out for help has never been an easy thing for me to do. I struggled with it for quite some time. I eventually swallowed my pride and asked my parents for the help I so desperately needed. Ultimately, it is one that I’m glad I made as I never would have regained control and stability in my life otherwise.
The program first helped me by simply getting me out of my familiar environment. It’s significant what a new location can do for recovery. Next, it provided me with a positive and supportive group with a common cause, which is to get off of drugs! The program also provides tried and true, systematic steps towards recovery. Each step achieves an exact purpose and, once achieved, you move on to the next step, building on the previous steps taken. It’s like learning to walk again, in that each step taken is one that puts you in more and more control of one aspect or another in your life. I’m actually able to have pleasant conversations with my parents again. Prior to Narconon, my relationship with my family was quite strained and casual conversation without emotional outbursts was impossible. One thing is certain… my recovery does not end after the completion of my program. It’s something that will be a daily focus and it starts with something as simple as making my bed.
One thing I’ve learned during my program is that recovery is a process. I plan on continuing to monitor my efforts and be certain that the actions I take are in alignment with my goals towards survival. Many have lost their battles with addiction and being vigilant over whom I associate with is of paramount importance.
To those struggling with addiction, you aren’t alone in your battle as there are many of us. Seeking and reaching out for help with addiction is difficult and going to rehab is a challenging venture. It’s worth it though, as the person you are on drugs is not really you! Believe in yourself, consider Narconon an investment in your future. On drugs, the future looks grim. There is a solution, and there certainly is hope!
- Anonymous