A New Perspective, a New-Found Hope, a New Life
The Narconon Program has fully transformed my perspective and hope for a new life free from the shackles of drug addiction. Narconon has helped foster in me a strength of independence and resolve for success that will prove invaluable to me as I move forward to confront the difficulties throughout the rest of my life. I know I can grapple with the obstacles I will face with the tools I’ve gained these last three months, applying the conditions and preserving my will to thrive and no longer succumb to the dead ends of addiction.
Before I arrived here, I was on a fast track to total destruction. I was struggling to stay afloat amidst the whirlpool of my addiction, which threatened to consume everything that made life meaningful and worth living. My possessions, which I had spent years accumulating through hard work, were slipping away, one by one, from my grasp. My emotions and dreams were being stripped away from me, leaving only fear and madness in its wake. My business was failing, losing valued customers with each call I ignored or failed to hold to my promises. I was basically homeless, living alone in a warehouse that fueled my fears each night with strange shadows and hallucinations of hell.
I had completely forgotten how to act in a normal capacity. I wasn’t able to walk or talk properly. My attention span was so minute that I could barely get through a single page of a book or watch a whole TV show without stepping away to try to renew an ever-fleeting high.
A friend of mine told me one of the indicators that someone is an addict is that they feel shame for their actions. I fit snug into this definition because I was in a vicious cycle of shame and regret. Every night I was plagued with nightmares of going to jail or death. Needless to say, I was in dire need of help. I wasn’t able to hide my addiction from anyone and despite the resolutions I had made to quit on my own, I was getting steadily worse.
I called a dozen rehabs, and no one was willing to talk to me. Each place referred me to another number where no one would pick up or they would say they would call me back and then didn’t. Eventually, I called Narconon Suncoast and talked to someone. He was the first person to actually engage in a conversation of why I was seeking help. We planned a meeting the next day for 3:00 pm. When 6:30 pm came I was finally here. It was extremely relieving to know I was on the road to receiving help at last.
“Of course, anything worth achieving can only be gained through persistent effort and this newfound sobriety and clarity of mind is the most precious I have been able to achieve.”
Everyone here has been exceptionally kind and supportive throughout my stay and fate could not have guided me to a better atmosphere for recovery. I can confidently say that this process has not been easy, getting clean is one of the most difficult accomplishments any of us can do. Of course, anything worth achieving can only be gained through persistent effort and this newfound sobriety and clarity of mind are the most precious things I have been able to achieve.
Without the stable foundation of sobriety, everything else I build will be incomplete and washed away. I recognize that I will have to strive each day anew to the task of creating a prosperous life and my responsibility to nourish my higher self towards being a positive influence on the world around me. Few people are blessed with the second chance available to us by this program and it is essential we recognize and cherish this opportunity.
A.R., Narconon Suncoast Graduate