Narconon Offers Resources for Families Dealing with Addiction Over the Holidays

Family Christmas Eve

The holiday season is an exciting time for families and friends to gather, reflect on the good times of the year, and dream of the future together. For those struggling with addiction, these scenarios can be highly stress-inducing and triggering.

Whether in active addiction or recovery, the thought of social gatherings, financial stress, and dealing with family members can increase drug or alcohol use or even relapse. In fact, relapse is significantly more likely during the holiday season due to finances, interpersonal conflicts, family issues, and even seasonal depression.

The holidays are often associated with indulgence, whether spending more on gifts than you should, eating more sweets, or enjoying a few more cocktails than usual. For people without addiction issues, this can easily be dismissed as the joy of the holidays. For those in recovery or active addiction, indulgence can be very dangerous.

If you’re wondering how you can help support a loved one during the holidays, there are many steps you can take to ensure they feel safe, protected, and never judged.

Because there is power in numbers, try encouraging your family member to invite someone from their program to your event or gathering. They may feel supported if they have someone there who is facing the same struggles they are.

Family at the table

Keep the lines of communication open by reassuring them that if they feel overwhelmed or uneasy, they are more than welcome to excuse themselves from the room or the get-together. Create a backup plan that makes them feel safe and prepared in case they are triggered by an interaction with a family member or being around substances.

If your child, parent, sibling, or other family member is deep in the throes of alcohol addiction, you can always control the situation better by removing any beer or wine from your home. Your loved one may feel safer in the environment knowing that alcohol isn’t accessible, hopefully allowing them to relax more.

“The holidays can be a wonderful time of year for people with addiction, but clear communication with family members is more important than ever…”

“The holidays can be a wonderful time of year for people with addiction, but clear communication with family members is more important than ever,” said Dr. Richard Wallace, M.D., Medical Director of Narconon Suncoast. “We encourage our students and their families to discuss their needs and expectations to ensure everyone is on the same page for a safe and enjoyable holiday together.”

It is essential to show the individual in recovery that you are there to listen and support their recovery efforts. Offer to attend an NA or AA 12-step meeting or other support group with them during the holidays.

Most importantly, be flexible about what the holidays may look like for your loved one. Emotions may run high, and the time spent together may not go how you want. Give yourself and your family members grace to navigate this time of year in a way that is respectful and supportive of what they’re facing.

Addiction can completely take over a person’s life, but it is far from impossible to overcome. Here at Narconon, we’ve helped thousands of people achieve sobriety and navigate addiction during challenging times like the holidays. Don’t hesitate to contact us this holiday season, whether you or a loved one are struggling. We are here to help.


Suncoast Staff