I Don’t Know Where’d I’d Be Without Narconon

Tyler S., Narconon Graduate
Tyler S., Narconon Graduate

Before arriving at Narconon, I was a scared man who didn’t know where to go or who to talk for help. I tried to go to multiple other institutions and spoke to many professionals about my ongoing addiction to drugs and alcohol. My father and I spoke to a recent graduate of Narconon, and I knew where I needed to go. Upon arrival at the Narconon Suncoast center, I was immediately greeted with respect and understanding from the staff, which put me at ease with the decision I had made. Not knowing exactly what was going to happen from this program the Executive Director took me aside and explained the whole program in an easy to understand manner.

I got into withdraw and thus began the first day to the rest of my life. The Withdrawal Specialists helped me understand what I would be doing every day, they made it easy to deal with the mental anguish I was going through. This was the point I realized this place was different, and I progressed more in one week than in months of other programs.

When getting into sauna New Life Detox, I finally felt as if I was getting to the meat of the program, but I was far from completed. Staff once again help me through this step all the way! Without question, they helped me able to persevere and get through this part correctly. I felt amazing physically after the sauna New Life Detox.

Then came Objectives, I honestly didn’t think I was going to get much out of this, however, once again the staff assured me to just go with an open mind and see how I felt when I was done. So, my twin and I went through the Objectives intensively, and the more I did them, the more I understood. By the end of the Objectives, I felt similarly to how I did when I completed sauna New Life Detox, except for with my mind. I felt more alert and happier, in a way that I hadn’t been in a long time. My communication and understanding of things were at an all-time high! I felt amazing for the first time in a long time.

“This place really has saved my life! It made me an even better person than before my addiction and also saved my family for me.”

Then I got to the last step of the program, Life Skills, which is what interested me the most the entire time I was there. I started to finally understand myself and my reasonings in ways I never saw before! This was the most enlightening part of the program for me and truly solidified everything I worked so hard to achieve. The staff were a tremendous help during this step, and I can’t thank them and the Narconon program for everything that they have done for me. This place really has saved my life! It made me an even better person than before my addiction and also saved my family for me. I don’t know where I’d be if it weren’t for Narconon. However, I do know at this point what I can become because of Narconon. Thank you so much!

Tyler S., Narconon Graduate


Suncoast Staff