A Mother’s Recovery Story — From a Life of Alcohol to Loving Life

Sober mother.
“These days I like myself more. I’m thinking clearer. I have hope again for my future! Now I am happy. I want to thank you and everyone else at Narconon Suncoast for teaching me all that you did, you truly have saved my life.”— J.M.

These inspiring words were spoken by one of our many graduates from Narconon Suncoast. The program helped address a mother’s alcoholism and saved her from a life of compulsive, uncontrollable drinking and possible early death due to alcohol-related causes such as an accident, alcohol poisoning or another seizure.

Upon completing the Narconon Suncoast program, Julie M. returned home to her son who now has restored his faith in her. Narconon Suncoast is a long-term, drug-free program that does not consider a person an addict for life. Addiction is believed to be a temporary condition a person got themselves into as a means of solving a problem.

Julie tells her story:

“I really wanted to quit drinking, and had made many sincere attempts to do so, but sooner or later I would drink again. My history includes several detoxes and stays in rehabs, therapy, participation in AA—all done with the hope of getting and remaining sober.

“By the time I got to Narconon Suncoast, I was already thinking insanely. I would often think ‘if only I could sober up, and get the house fully cleaned, then I can die.’ My concern was that after I died, when my mother-in-law came to clean out all my belongings from the house I live in with my son and husband, she would discover my secret—that my bedroom was a huge mess. Sounds crazy, right? I sure was!

“Today, thanks to the excellent staff, sauna detox, and the Life Skills courses, I think much more rationally.

“While at Narconon Suncoast, I was given the necessary help and guidance to start repairing the two most important relationships in my life; my relationship with my son, and my relationship with myself. Due to my horrible behavior, while drunk, I was ruining the relationship with my son. He was losing any faith he had left in me with each relapse.”

 “Dear Mom, I am so proud of how far you have come over the last year, not just in terms of your sobriety, but as a person too. And I am so happy to have you back. Love, Bobby.”

As Julie continued her sobriety her son regained his faith in her and he sent her a birthday card with these words: “Dear Mom, I am so proud of how far you have come over the last year, not just in terms of your sobriety, but as a person too. And I am so happy to have you back. Love, Bobby.”

“These days I like myself more. I’m thinking clearer. I have hope again for my future! Now I am happy. I want to thank you and everyone else at Narconon Suncoast for teaching me all that you did, you truly have saved my life,” concludes Julie.

Julie could have lost her son forever and ended up alone or in an early grave. Instead, today she is living a productive, sober life free of alcohol.

“From Alcoholic to Loving Mother” is just one of our numerous success stories.

Narconon Suncoast

Narconon Suncoast has an outstanding average success rate with a substantial majority of its graduates achieving recovery from addiction. Suncoast graduates are routinely followed up with for 2 years after graduation from the program to ensure they remain drug-free. The reason for this high rate of success lies within Suncoast’s experienced staff and use of workable rehabilitation technology. The Narconon program not only detoxifies the addict’s body from drug and alcohol toxins and thereby eliminating cravings, but it also effectively handles the mental aspect of addiction and teaches its students how to live life without resorting to drugs as a solution to a problem.

The Narconon program additionally provides training on specific life skills courses that address the reasons the student sought out drugs or alcohol, to begin with. The student learns how to identify the people they should or should not associate with. His or her transgressions are confronted and handled and ultimately the student is given the tools needed to live a happy, drug-free life.

Narconon Suncoast

The Narconon Suncoast program is unique in that there are no other programs out there that deliver the same program. From the New Life Sauna Detoxification program through to the Life Skills courses, the program is geared to the individual. Unlike some “cookie-cutter’ style programs where all participants do the exact same steps, the exact same way, the Narconon program is designed with the individual in mind. It is understood that every addict is different from the next and each has his own needs as far as an effective rehabilitation program is concerned. The program is overseen by a Medical Director, Clinical Director, and a Case Supervisor who all make specific recommendations for each student as they progress through the phases of the program. In the end, a completely personalized program has been designed and implemented, giving the student the best chance possible to achieve lasting sobriety. What was previously thought to be impossible becomes real and the light at the end of the tunnel becomes brighter and brighter. Before they know it, they are leading a life beyond their wildest dreams.

Updated 14 August 2019