2 Feb 2013

Suncoast Rehabilitation Center brings you even more mythbusting.  Here are the myths and the truth that lies behind them:

MYTH #16:

Club drugs are new, not very dangerous, and affect everyone the same way. 


Club drugs include ecstasy, GHB, ketamine, rohypnol, methamphetamine, Magic Mushrooms, and LSD.  Most club drugs have been around for 20-30 years or more. Emergency room reports indicate they are very dangerous, especially when mixed with alcohol. They affect everyone differently, based upon dosage taken and an individual’s sensitivity to the drug.  We have several articles on this topic.  Our most comprehensive article on many of these drugs is here.  (utexas.edu)

MYTH #17:

Prescription pain medications are not as dangerous as cocaine and heroin.


In 2008 alone, prescription pain medications like Vicodin and Oxycontin were involved in more overdose deaths than heroin and cocaine combined. (talkaboutrx.org)

MYTH #18:  

You cannot overdose on alcohol.


Alcohol has a lethal dose of around 24 ounces (3 cups or 1.5 pints) of 40% distilled spirits (80 proof) for a 70-kg (150-lb) male, when the beverage is drunk rapidly (within two hours or less).  This means a 150 lb male would have to consume 1.5 pints (the average large bottle ) of your typical whisky, gin or brandy in about 2 hours or less.  The mechanism of death is respiratory depression (cessation of breathing due to toxic effects of alcohol, or aspiration of – drowning on – one’s own vomit). To be honest, you can overdose on just about anything you can put into your body.  It depends upon the volume and rapidity with which it enters your body. (UTexas.edu, Scientific American, Alcohol Content Database)

If you know someone who is addicted to drugs, pain killers or alcohol, please contact us right away.  Our phone number is (877) 850-7355, and information about our long-term, inpatient program, how it works, and the stories of our graduates can be found at www.suncoastrehabcenter.com.