Is your partner a drug addict? Maybe you’ve been through everything you can think of to get your partner some help and to quit – tears, fights, heart-to-heart talks, promises made, and threats. You know only too well how this has a profound effect on you, your partnership and your family.
Take a step back and formulate a plan to deal with your drug addict partner. Here are some ideas to help.
1. Acknowledge the Reality
You hope that the next promise made is a promise kept. It’s human nature to hope that things will get better and one day be back to the way they were.
The reality is that this problem has changed your lives permanently.
Accept that there is a problem. Acceptance is not approval, yet it is one of the best tools at your disposal for still loving your drug addict partner. Because he/she needs love instead of denial, guilt or judgment.
If you like, write down everything about this situation that is affecting you both. Have a clear picture of what you’re faced with. Then you can start planning how to deal with it.
The other reality is that things must be done differently from now on. Doing the same things again and again will not produce a different result.
2. Reach Out for Help
There is no weakness or shame in asking for help for you and your addict partner. It is a positive move.
You are not alone in this struggle. So many people have walked this pathway before and are ready and willing to provide support where they can.
Contact a reputable drug rehabilitation center for professional advice on rehab programs. Speaking with people who have been through drug rehab can reinforce your hope for successful recovery.
Of course, your partner may not be willing to enter drug rehab. A rehab center can provide advice about how to talk to him/her about it. Many have programs to support spouses and families and it is important that you be part of these. Meet other people in the same situation, feel supported and get ideas.
3. Educate Yourself
You should be involved in your partner’s drug rehab, in whatever form it takes. Learn about the drug your partner is addicted to. Understand fully its effects on your partner’s body, mood, mental health and recovery. Know exactly what you’re up against.
The more you understand the addiction, the easier it will be to give your partner positive reinforcement through rehab. It is so important for a recovering addict to know that he/she is still loved and, with support, can break free of addiction and make a meaningful contribution to society again.
4. Nurture Yourself
Don’t forget about you. Stay in touch with the interests and activities that are important in your life. Living with an addict can be very stressful. You must find time to put positive things in your life. During drug rehab, and when your partner emerges from it, is a chance to rebuild your relationship stronger than ever, and that requires you to be at the best you can be. Whether he/she shows it, your drug addicted partner is dependent on you. As much as is possible, be strong, positive and able to provide a solid and loving foundation to your relationship.
If your partner is a drug addict, make that call right now. Contact a treatment and recovery center to start your journey to a better life together.
Creative Commons Attribution: Permission is granted to repost this article in its entirety with credit to Suncoast Rehabilitation Center and a clickable link back to this page.