28 Apr 2014

At Suncoast Rehabilitation Center, we know that many people take drugs in order to avoid existing emotional issues.  These issues can be caused by drug abuse or the emotional problems may have caused the drug abuse.  Since they feed each other in a vicious, downward spiral, it can be very difficult to determine which problem caused which.

Common emotional issues that are associated with drug addiction include: 

Alcoholic parent1

  • Dissatisfaction with life
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Abusive behavior
  • Mood swings
  • Extreme highs and lows
  • Mania
  • Paranoia
  • Self-destructive behavior>
  • Drugs and alcohol can create these feelings within a person when they are high or are coming down from a high.  These emotional difficulties can also be the cause of addiction. Further, even as the irresponsible behavior of the addict worsens his or her relationship with family, friends and co-workers, the impact of the drugs on the addict reduce his or her ability to effectively communicate and deal with those around him. No matter how the issues started, drug addiction feeds into these destructive emotional situations, and vice versa.

    Self-medicating with drugs and alcohol is certainly no solution to one’s difficulties.  If it truly makes them go away, we’d be one problem-free society.  While it may be EXTREMELY DIFFICULT, one must find a way to, somehow, determine the source of the problems and get out from under the oppression, somehow get it resolved.

    Holistic Help through the Narconon Suncoast Rehabilitation Program

    The Narconon Suncoast Rehabilitation Program addresses both the physical impact of drug or alcohol abuse and the emotional impact. Through the Narconon program, addicts are able to attain freedom from drugs and regain their personal integrity and, perhaps for the first time, learn the skills and information they need to move forward to a happy, productive and drug-free life.

    On the physical side, the Narconon program contains a drug-free withdrawal step, in which nutrition and special exercises are used to ease the difficulty of withdrawal. The New Life Detoxification step consists of a low-heat sauna, exercise and nutritional regimen. It helps to eliminate residuals stored in the body from past drug and alcohol use. Removing such residuals appears to reduce or eliminate the cravings which drive people back to using or drinking, again. 

    The series of Narconon Life Skill courses help the person address the impact of past drug use on his life and relationships. The drills and exercises on the courses help the person recover his or her personal integrity as well as to learn how to manage life effectively -- not only to avoid falling back into the trap of drug or alcohol abuse but, more importantly, to be able to create a positive and successful life, with restored relationships with family and friends and no use of drugs.

    To find out more, contact us at the number at the top of this page.