A New Journey Filled with Hope and Happiness

Sober man
Photo by juanestey/iStockPhoto.com

My journey to this point has been tumultuous to say the least. After several decades of being on prescription medication for chronic pain, my life had spiraled out of control. I became apathetic, isolated, paranoid, and distant. I was lost and stuck at the same time.

Thankfully my family, close friends, and girlfriend saw this was not the real me. Not the happy version of myself but instead an empty shell. They loved me enough to guide me to my Narconon program where addressing my issues and my journey to a new life began.

I have met students and staff from so many different backgrounds with inspiring stories. I found a place where I felt comfortable expressing and addressing my addiction. After many weeks of getting to the bottom of why I only needed myself and a willingness to enjoy a drug-free life, I am excited to be a Narconon Suncoast graduate.

“My new drug-free and stable life awaits, and I feel so far removed from the lost feeling I had before I came. I am excited to reconnect with my family, my work, and my life again.”

My new drug-free and stable life awaits, and I feel so far removed from the lost feeling I had before I came. I am excited to reconnect with my family, my work, and my life again.

My new journey is filled with hope and happiness. I have my girlfriend, my family, Narconon, and most importantly, myself to be grateful for this new beginning.

E.B., Narconon Suncoast Graduate



Justin has been working in the field of addiction and recovery for over 1 year. Justin earned his Bachelors's Degree in Finance from Florida State University. Having been an addict himself, he brings real-world experience to the table when helping addicts and their families, while also offering a first-person perspective to the current drug crisis. Justin is passionate about educating the public about what’s currently going on in our society, and thankfully, offers practical solutions.