By: Kelly Wecksell

The Reason Why People Take Drugs – And the Eventual Outcome

One thing that all drug takers have in common, whether they take drugs because they are prescribed by a doctor or they take them “as recreation”, is that they are trying to solve a problem.

That problem may be something seemingly simple, like a feeling of boredom, or it may be something larger or more obvious such as escaping pain; emotional or physical.  People may take drugs to help them to sleep, to help them to wake up, to calm down or to feel happier.  They may take drugs to fit in, to feel better physically after an injury or a traumatic experience. 

They may take a drug because they feel stressed, nervous or on edge.  No matter what the underlying reason is for starting to take drugs, there is always some situation or feeling a person is avoiding or attempting to eradicate.  

Drugs do not eliminate the problem.  They are a temporary solution that cause a slew of negative side effects. In the end taking drugs results in an exacerbation of the initial problem.  In order to understand why a person takes drugs you need to know what was wrong that caused them to take the drug in the first place.

The drug does lift a person out of his unwanted condition but this feeling does not last.  This relief is temporary.  The person ends up doing some destruction to his body and leaves him in a worse condition than when he initially took the drug.  The initial problem still exists but now it is coupled with a lowered mental facility, and the person is left feeling physically worse.  In order to feel better the person must now take the drug again.

This begins the cycle of addiction.

In order for a person to find true relief and a real solution for his problems he has to fix the actual cause of that situation or sensation.  Our program takes an individual through a series of steps that help him target what that cause is and we help the person to be able to truly confront what has been giving him trouble. 

Handling the actual cause and not the symptom, not temporarily eradicating the feeling of discomfort but getting to the real bottom line of the problem creates the genuine possibility that the individual will not go back to drugs as a solution ever again.

A Graduate’s Success:

“Wow, I never thought I’d be here. … I gave myself all the excuses in the world why I did drugs and how it was other people’s fault. In moving through the Narconon Program I truly found why I started using and the habits that led to it traced back to when I was 5 years old.  I was further enabled to deal with these problems so I could move on with life. I’m glad I came to Suncoast and actually looked at Suncoast as my home. I met many awesome people and will carry these memories from here with me forever.” – G.H., Program Graduate

For help with drug abuse or addiction for yourself or a loved one, contact Narconon Suncoast today at 1-877-850-7355.